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Emergency Lighting Testing and Inspection

Emergency Lighting Testing

Paddock Electrical can design, install, maintain and test your emergency lighting systems in accordance with British Standard BS 5266 2016.

Emergency lighting is a self-descriptive term and is lighting for an emergency situation when the main power supply fails.  The loss of mains electricity could be the result of a fire or a power cut and the normal lighting supplies fail.  This may lead to sudden darkness and a possible danger to the occupants, either through physical danger or panic.

Emergency lighting is normally required to operate fully automatically and to give illumination of a sufficiently high level to enable persons of all ages to evacuate the premises safely.  All new workplace and buildings open to the general public now have emergency lighting installed during construction, with the design and type of equipment normally being specified by the relevant local authority, architect or consultant.

We can provide both emergency lighting installation and emergency lighting design in Shropshire and further afield.


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